Author: Erik

Since I was first given a Commodore64 as a child my love for the keyboard was more than obvious! I’m Erik and I currently work in my own company in italy, where I am deployed as a fullstack developer (or one man army as you prefer). I have been studying graphics and communication but the curiosity has led me to be involved in all aspects of web design, from design to programming. I am the author/contributor of some plugins and templates for WordPress and WooCommerce, follow me on

Show a Qr Code on contact form 7 mail submit

This example show how display a  QR code on mail submit with Contact Form 7 For first go to the 3rd tab and edit the success message (the first) adding at the end %%[_date]-[_serial_number] (so the message will look like “success message sent %%[_date]-[_serial_number]”) ref.

Image preview

This is an example created some times ago for a support question into contact form 7 support forum, but could be very useful in order to show the uploaded images into a form with a input type file. ref. Example 2 This is another example that check the image size to be less than […]

Theme Setup

WordPress initial configuration After theme install we have some little jobs to do to get it working properly! First, create a menu then assign it into primary navigation (optional) You may want to setup some Widgets into footer. Last but not the least, we need to create the homepage (and optionally upload a featured image). […]

Environment Setup

When I did this theme I thought about my usual workflow… what I consider essential to speed up my development phase. I love gulp to handle template file tasks for each type of file there is a different processing. For example sass files are compiled into css, javascript files are transpiled and minified with uglify […]

Block: Image

Welcome to image alignment! If you recognize this post, it is because these are blocks that have been converted from the classic Markup: Image Alignment post. The best way to demonstrate the ebb and flow of the various image positioning options is to nestle them snuggly among an ocean of words. Grab a paddle and […]