About Me


EN: Hi my name is Erik Golinelli and I currently work as a developer in Bologna in my Web Agency. I have a cat-pitbull with whom I share the keyboard, I love developing applications and websites (especially e-commerce), mainly when I am asked for a custom theme or plugin or WebApps with Vue or React.

I am author or contributor of plugins and themes that you can find on WordPress.org like Modul-R, Contact Form 7 Antispam, WooCommerce, ItaliaWP2, customizer-polylang, WooCommerce-Remove-All-Products.

If you are interested or you want to contact me for somewhat information please use the contact form on the next page


IT: Ciao mi chiamo Erik Golinelli e lavoro come sviluppatore a Bologna nella mia Web Agency. Condivido la tastiera con il mio bull-gatto e mi occupo della realizzazione e sviluppo di siti internet (in particolare e-commerce), in particolare la creazione di template e plugin personalizzati per WordPress / WooCommerce o lo sviluppo di WebApp con React/Vue.

Sono autore o contributore di alcuni plugin e temi che trovi su WordPress.org come Modul-R, Contact Form 7 Antispam, WooCommerce, ItaliaWP2, customizer-polylang, WooCommerce-Remove-All-Products.

And now that we are friends, let’s stay in touch! Follow me on GitHub or Linkedin.