Simple and Modul-R.
This is why I will be your next WordPress theme
Modul R is a powerful and flexible template that provides a fast and easy solution for building an awesome website.
Modul-R has a ton of personalization options! With the customizer’s live preview and CSS Custom Properties you can edit almost everything: font family, text size, colours palette, header direction, logo and hero image size and much more!
Not enough? We got already set Gulp, a task runner, with all the actions you need to rebuild this template. Modul-R loves to be hacked! You will find all the tools you need for the development out of the box! The style is built with SASS, the scripts are in ES6 transpiled with Babel, there are CSSNano and Autoprefixer already configured for css and Uglify for javascript files. And also Imagemin, which compresses images removing metadata and converts images into webp (yes, you got it right, without using any wordpress plugin).
Modul-R also provides a seamless integration with Gutenberg and WooCommerce, giving you the opportunity to build easily the website as you like, in the shortest time as possible.
Modul-R [ mÉ’djÊŠlÉ™] comes with a kit of reusable parts and functions, but keeping the website performance in mind.
README: To get working the most interesting features of this theme or if you need to use it as a bootstrap to build something much bigger, you may want to download the child theme, and install NodeJS, NPM and Gulp. Please follow step-2 to jump to hyperspace! (however it is strictly recommended ONLY if you need to edit or extend the core template)